Thrive BodyWork sessions are customized to your particular issues, and consist of a combination of the touch-based therapies listed below. Each of these therapies are very specific and, when integrated, create a synergistic effect that supports healing of the whole body.
Lymph Drainage Therapy - Gentle hands-on technique to improve the flow of lymph to decrease swelling, enhance recovery, support immune function and address pathology thru-out the body.
Hand/Foot Reflexology - Gentle manipulation of specific points on hands and/or feet to encourage homeostasis in related body systems
Scar Release/Fascial Mobilization - Release fascial restrictions to improve mobility, which improves function of the entire body.
Brain Therapy - Treats very specific structures and physiology of the brain and spinal cord to restore mobility and vitality.
Somatic Integration- Muscular manipulation for connecting mind and body